Tip of the Week:OS Is Licensed

So in case you want to check if Servers/Clients are licenced (Operatingsystem), you can do that via Powershell. Also you later you can use this as a Configuration Item in SCCM and deploy that in a Configuration Baseline to monitor what machines are licensed or not. This is tested on Server 2008 R2 and up.   $InstalledLicense = Get-WmiObject -Query “Select * from SoftwareLicensingProduct Where PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL AND…

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Tip of the Week: $^ and $$

Let lets look more into powershell “special” characters and variables you can use. Just writing a simple output to the shell and see what we can do. Write-Host “Hello World!” -ForegroundColor Green And we see that we get an output of Hello World in Green. If we then type $^ The output is then is the fist input in the last command, in this case “Write-Host” And there is another…

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